
“Do YOU Know Your
Customers Journey?”

Helping clients understand their customers journey is a unique process which driectly impacts their ROI… We go beyond stats & analytics!


15 + 7 =

We help you track your Customer’s Journey through
5 key stages.

We start with a “Business Assessment” & needs analysis where our team shows you how to increase foot traffic & sales.

Awareness – Do people know about your business locally?
Findability – How easy is it to find your business when searching?
Reputation – A positive reputation can make ALL the difference!
Conversion – Can people easily buy your products or services 

Advocacy – Do your customers recommend you to others?


Your Company Deserves The Best

How much does it cost to acquire new customers vs. maintaining existing ones? Like a doctor, we aren’t going to start an operation without an examination.

“Just like an iceberg, there is a lot below the surface”


What things are you currently doing to generate awareness and interest from new & existing clients?


Get Accurate, Get Found

With the use of online search growing at a rapid pace, it’s more important than ever to ensure your client’s business listings are present, accurate, and protected from unwanted changes.


Approx. 93% of sales, buyers have researched online before purchasing. It’s not just Google either.     Question: Do you know how findable your business is online? 

Reputation Management

After finding your business, consumers see your reviews. In fact, it’s often the first thing showcased in Google search results.

First VisitorID

Capture Website Visitors

We identify who is on your website in REAL-Time. Did you know that 96% of your website visitors never fill out a form or email you? First VisitorID helps you find out who they are.

Conversion $$

Consumers are looking for quick, easy ways to make a booking, make an order, walk-in, make an appointment, etc.

Question: Is your website making it really easy to convert and for people to become your customer?


Finally, it’s important to do everything you can to encourage happy customers to return again, and tell other about you.  Let them know to write you a review, post on social media, & of course, invite them back.

Repeat Buyers

Make sure your conversion point is fantastic and well tuned. For most businesses, this is your website. Next, focus on being influential at the zero-moment-of-truth, with listings & reputation.


We provide innovative solutions to support our client’s digital marketing needs. LEAD Engagements + First VisitorID has quickly become one of the fastest-growing digital marketing & SEO companies in the Northwest.

I really appreciated the outstanding time, work, & effort that the entire team puts in supporting clients, makes customer service really easy.

Rachel Wilson

Account Manager

Providing the right business solutions that fit your needs is very rewarding. It’s great watching all my small business accounts successfully grow every month…

Sarah Philany

Social Leads Consultant

I have always been amazed by watching small businesses grow their bottom line. Each business is unique, so we uncover your individual needs through our analysis process.

Michael Dimmer

Customer Service

Do YOU Know Your Costomers Journey?

Searches – 82% of location-based mobile searches result in an offline purchase (Junto, 2019)

Local searches lead 56% of mobile users to visit businesses within 1 day. (Google, 2019)

First VisitorID – Test Drive – NO Credit Card Required!

Reduce Prospecting time by as much as 80%

MUCH Better than “stats, website traffic, and analytics” you receive from most providers, we deliver RESULTS “Companies Data and Real People”.

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